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Megan Roller

Megan Roller

Megan is a Class Actions Lawyer based in our Melbourne office.

Megan is a tenacious lawyer, who has experience in both the Social Justice Practice and Class Actions departments at Maurice Blackburn. During this time, Megan has worked on the DBE-17 (Unlawful Detention of Asylum Seekers) Class Action and the Uber Class Action.

Practice Area

Class actions



Prior to her work at Maurice Blackburn, Megan volunteered at the Monash Springvale Community Legal Centre / SECASA clinic, helping survivors of childhood sexual abuse prepare Victims of Crime applications.

“I have always wanted to do work that helps people - particularly individuals who have been treated unfairly. In many ways, class actions are political: they typically involve ordinary citizens taking on an organisation that is much larger, and more powerful than themselves.” Megan says.

“Helping group members achieve accountability and a sense of justice when they have been wronged or exploited, is really gratifying. I hope that through my work, I can help group members receive the compensation and resolution they need, to help them move forward in their lives.”

In her spare time Megan enjoys completing art projects and hiking in Victoria's National Parks.

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We have lawyers who specialise in a range of legal claims who travel to Tasmania. If you need a lawyer in Hobart, Launceston or elsewhere in Tasmania, please call us on 1800 675 346.