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Jack Faine

Jack Faine

Jack Faine is an Employment and Industrial Associate at Maurice Blackburn’s Melbourne office. Jack practices in areas including sexual harassment, trade union litigation, unfair dismissal and general protections matters, discrimination claims, anti-bullying applications, professional disciplinary matters, workplace investigations and restraints of trade.

Practice Area

Employment issues



Jack has a personable and creative approach to matters and is focussed on dealing with both the legal and strategic issues that arise in employment matters. Some of Jack’s previous matters include:

  • acting for corporate and public sector whistle-blowers, including school counsellor Maree Keel against St Kevin’s College in 2020;
  • acting for clients sexually harassed in the workplace, including negotiating financial settlements;
  • successfully challenging a disciplinary sanction imposed on an emergency services worker by the Paramedicine Board of Australia in VCAT: Paton v Paramedicine Board of Australia (Review and Regulation) [2020] VCAT 872;
  • acting in the Federal Circuit Court of Australia for a tutor mischaracterised as an independent contractor and obtaining orders for back pay, superannuation and a contribution towards legal fees;
  • acting in discrimination matters, including achieving settlements that involved improvements to access and inclusivity in the workplace;
  • successfully obtaining a variation to the orders of the Federal Court of Australia to regularise non-compliance with previous orders of the Court:  DHL Supply Chain (Australia) Pty Limited v United Workers' Union (No 2) [2021] FCA 1401; and
  • acting for an underpaid migrant worker in the Federal Circuit Court and achieving over a year’s wages in back-pay: Nasirian v Sarvastani [2020] FCCA 355.

Jack has extensive experience assisting executive and senior employees to negotiate departures from challenging situations. Jack has also represented trade unions and other organisations in a variety of regulatory matters and in 2018, he assisted GetUp! in an inquiry into its electoral status.

Jack is on the board of Overland literary journal. 

Jack is currently on secondment at the Kimberley Land Council in Broome, Western Australia.

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Our Canberra office is now closed, but our team continues to serve ACT clients and are available for phone and video appointments. If you need legal advice, please call us on 1800 675 346.

We have lawyers who specialise in a range of legal claims who travel to Tasmania. If you need a lawyer in Hobart, Launceston or elsewhere in Tasmania, please call us on 1800 675 346.