Who can make a public liability insurance claim?
Public liability covers a wide range of circumstances in which someone is injured because of the negligence of someone else.
Individuals, businesses and organisations have a 'duty of care' to ensure the safety of all people in their space. This covers privately and publicly owned space such as sporting fields, parks, gardens and footpaths, as well as public, commercial, rental and retail property.
Businesses and others who occupy property (other than residents) are required to carry public liability insurance, so compensation claims are mostly made against insurance companies.
Examples of injuries include:
- injuries on private property, including rental properties
- injuries sustained at work by contractors who are not employees
- aviation accidents
- boat and water-sport accidents
- sporting injuries
- bicycle accidents that don't involve a vehicle
- physical and sexual assault
- injuries caused by animals
- slips and falls in supermarkets and other retail outlets
- playground and schoolyard accidents
- food poisoning
Time limits for making a public liability insurance claim
You have three years to make a claim from the date of injury. For children or a person under disability, a time limit of six years from the date of injury applies.
Compensation and benefits
Your public liability claim will vary depending on your location and the nature of your injuries. Generally, a public liability compensation claim will cover things like:
- medical costs (including past and future costs)
- lost income (including past and future)
- pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment of life
- care and assistance provided to you at home
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Making a public place injury claim
Our public liability lawyers will assist you with your claim and make sure you know about your rights and entitlements. We take care of the legal process on your behalf.
We'll keep you informed throughout the whole process and provide you with legal advice that is easy to understand.
If you think you have a claim you should:
Seek medical treatment and tell your doctor how you were injured.
Keep records and receipts for any wages lost and for medical and related expenses including the dates of medical consultations.
Take photos of the injuries and where you were injured (where possible).
Write down the name and number of any witnesses.

'If I could touch Terry's hand one more time, and he was with me, I'd just give the world for that.'
Wendy's story
Public liability

Wendy's story - Public liability
Oh losing Terry's just changed my life.
There's not one part of me that hasn't changed. I just miss his beautiful eyes looking at me, feeling loved.
Terry attended a Mad Monday function for the local country football club. They'd won the premiership the day before and they were celebrating. For some unknown reason, a guy came up and started provoking Terry and then things grew out of hand and Terry then actually retaliated and hit him. And then, after a few minutes, this young man just walked up to him and hit him in the face, and Terry collapsed to the floor.
He was then taken by a helicopter, to the Alfred hospital. He was on life support for 13 days at the hospital then told us that he'd had catastrophic brain damage and that he was no longer living and we had to turn off the life support machine.
Terry and I started fostering nine years ago and we found it really rewarding. He was a wonderful, caring foster carer. He was a gentle kind man to a lot of these children who've never had a passive male role model.
He shouldn't have died. And there was a case to answer for and people need to be responsible. We have a barrister in the family and Demi's name come up as a very passionate and caring person. She's an extraordinary woman and she's passionate about raising awareness about the coward punch.
She didn't want another family to endure what her and her family had to go through. The family feels the venue was responsible that night because they were still serving people that were intoxicated and there wasn't enough security.
The insurer pushed hard in this case. They initially made a really lousy offer and I had to advise Wendy not to accept it. Thankfully, her patience paid off because we settled her case for a lot higher amount.
It was never about money. If I could touch Terry's hand one more time and he was with me I’d just give the world for that.
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