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What are occupational cancers?

Cancer is a term for a group of diseases where some cells can grow uncontrollably and spread. Some cancers are caused by, or exacerbated by, workplace exposure to dust, chemicals and other toxins. 

Safe Work Australia compiles a list of "deemed diseases", which means that there is a high liklihood that the diseases have arisen as a result of exposure in the workplace. 

The list includes cancers such as:

  • Nasal cancer
  • Cancer of the larynx
  • Lung cancer
  • Mesothelioma
  • Ovary cancer
  • Kidney and bladder cancer
  • Leukaemia
  • Non-hodgkin's lymphoma 

What are the common causes of occupational cancer?

Cancer can have a range of contributing factors, and some of the potential workplace exposures that can cause cancer include:

  • Asbestos
  • Ionizing radiation
  • Silica dust
  • Soot and coal dust
  • Benzene
  • Aluminium production
  • Welding fumes

Am I eligible to make a compensation for work-related cancer?

If exposure to dust or another toxin during work has caused, or significantly contributed to your cancer diagnosis, you may be eligible to claim compensation.

Depending on the state you live in and where the exposure occurred, there are varying time limits for making your claim. Therefore, it's important that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible after a diagnosis. Our occupational cancer lawyers can help you understand what options are available to you.


More frequently asked questions about occupational cancer claims

If you've been diagnosed with a cancer that may have been caused by exposure to a dust or other toxin as part of your work, you can start your claim by seeking legal advice from an expert occupational cancer lawyer. Our experienced team at Maurice Blackburn can help you navigate the claims process. 

If you've been diagnosed with a cancer that may have been caused by exposure to a dust or other toxin as part of your work, you may be eligible for compensation. 

Occupational cancer claims can be made on a no-fault basis, which means you don't need to be able to prove your cancer was directly and only caused by workplace exposure.

Workplace exposure must be a contributing factor, but it doesn't have to be the main factor. For example, if you are a smoker and you develop lung cancer as a result of a workplace exposure, you could still be eligible to make a claim. 

Yes. But the WorkCover claims process differs between states, and it depends on when your exposure was. It's important to seek legal advice to understand the options available to you. 

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