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Important update

The parties have reached an agreement to settle the AAI & MTA class action without admission of liability by the defendants.

The settlement must be approved by the Supreme Court of Victoria before it can take effect. No date has been set for the settlement approval hearing.

Further information will be provided to registered group members once it is available. At this stage, we are unable to answer any questions about the proposed settlement, including questions around eligibility for compensation or the timing of any payments.

We cannot accept any new registrations. If you have already registered, there is nothing you need to do at this stage but if you would like to update your contact details, please email Maurice Blackburn at

Future updates will be published on this webpage and our social media channels. 

About the Class Action

This class action relates to add-on insurance products sold through car dealers. It is against AAI Limited (AAI), TAL Life Limited (TAL), and MTA Insurance Pty Ltd (MTA). Maurice Blackburn filed the class action on 30 March 2021 in the Supreme Court of Victoria, on behalf of the lead plaintiff, Zoey Anderson-Vaughan.

The class action alleges that the defendants:

  1. gave “personal advice” to consumers and breached various obligations in relation to the giving of that advice;

  2. engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct and made false or misleading representations; and

  3. wrongly induced consumers to buy the Add-On Insurance, or the defendants knew or should have known that consumers who purchased Add-On Insurance did so under a mistaken belief.

The Plaintiff seeks damages to compensate each group member (as well as other types of relief). Asteron Life & Superannuation Limited (formerly Suncorp Life & Superannuation Limited) (SLSL) was a former defendant and TAL is responsible for responding to the allegations against SLSL.

Frequently asked questions

We cannot accept any new registrations.

If you already registered on the website of Maurice Blackburn for the AAI  Class Action and would like to update your contact details, please email

Future updates will be published on this webpage and our social media pages. Registered group members will be sent more information about the proposed settlement once it is available. 

At this stage, we are unable to provide an estimate as to how much compensation eligible registered group members will each receive, or how this amount will be calculated.

Importantly, the settlement must still be approved by the Supreme Court of Victoria. As part of that approval process, the Court will also be asked to approve the details of how claims for compensation should be assessed. Further information will be provided once it is available.

At this stage, we are unable to provide an estimate as to when eligible registered group members will receive a payment (if any) from the proposed settlement. The settlement must be approved by the Court. We will provide further details about the Court timetable once it is available.

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