March 2025 update
The appeal period in the Andrianakis proceeding expired mid-February 2025 without any appeals from group members. We have since filed material with the Supreme Court of Western Australia, to dismiss the Rosengrave proceeding.
The Court will decide whether the application to dismiss the proceeding will be an in-person hearing (in which case, we are subject to the Court’s availability), or whether the Court will deal with the application in chambers.
After the Rosengrave proceeding is dismissed, we will need to wait for a further 21 days for the appeal period to expire. After this, the Settlement Administration will formally commence. We currently estimate the Settlement Administration will take approximately 18-24 months.
In preparation for the Settlement Administration, members of our team have been contacting a limited number of group members, to obtain updated contact information. Please note that this is not a scam. In the event that we attempt to contact you but are unable to reach you, we will leave a voice message or email and ask that you return our call. If you do not hear from us, then there is nothing more we need from you at this stage.
Contact the team
Call: 1800 291 047
We will respond to your calls and emails as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Contacting Maurice Blackburn
Registered Group Members
For registered group members, there is no action required from you at this stage. Maurice Blackburn will contact you when we require further information about your claim, which will be after the expiry of the Appeal Period.
Until then, we ask that you only contact Maurice Blackburn if you need to update your contact details. You can do this by emailing us at – please make sure you include “Updated Contact Details” in the subject heading.
This website includes detailed information on the settlement administration (Administration) process and frequently asked questions, such as ‘when can I expect to be paid?’ or ‘how much can I expect to recover’, please read the information below.
This website will be updated regularly throughout the Administration.
In an effort to keep administration costs to a minimum for the benefit of all group members, we will not be responding to enquiries (other than updating contact details) via email or phone.
Unregistered Group Members
For unregistered group members, Maurice Blackburn has emailed all unregistered group members about the outcome of their leave application. All unregistered group members are now aware of whether their applications were successful or unsuccessful.
For unregistered group members whose leave applications were unsuccessful, Maurice Blackburn is unable to assist you any further. Each application for leave was considered by the Court, and Maurice Blackburn has no discretion or control over the outcome of your application.
In an effort to keep the costs of the administration to a minimum, Maurice Blackburn is unable to answer any questions or enquiries, by phone or by email, regarding the outcome of your application. Further information about the unregistered group member applications is set out below.
Appeal Period and Rosengrave Proceeding
There is now an Appeal Period for the main matter (that is, the Andrianakis/Salem proceedings), as well as the protective proceeding filed in Western Australia (the Rosengrave proceeding).
In 2020 we filed a protective proceeding (the Rosengrave proceeding) in Western Australia, as part of the larger Uber Class Action. We did this to stop the relevant limitation period from expiring, and to protect the legal rights of Western Australian group members. We will now take steps to finalise these proceedings.
We anticipate the Appeal Period will expire in April 2025, however, this date is not yet known as it is subject the Court’s availability for the Rosengrave proceeding. During this time, Maurice Blackburn will take a number of steps to ensure we are ready to begin the Administration process once the Appeal Period has expired.
Registration has now closed
Pursuant with orders of the Court dated 21 July 2023, the deadline for group members to register for the Uber class action was 4:00pm on 2 October 2023.
If you did not register a claim by 2 October 2023, you are unable to participate in the class action settlement, without leave of the Court. Maurice Blackburn has no discretion to allow late registrations.
Unregistered Group Member Applications
Per orders of the Court dated 19 April 2024, any unregistered group member wanting to participate in the settlement was required to prepare an application to the Court, seeking leave to participate in the proposed settlement. The deadline to submit this application was 4:00pm on 2 July 2024.
Approximately 6,500 applications were submitted by unregistered group members.
The Court, with the assistance of a Court appointed Contradictor, considered each application as part of the larger settlement approval.
After considering each application, the Court has made orders allocating each unregistered group member, into one of two groups:
- Group 1: Individuals whose applications for leave were unsuccessful. These individuals will be unable to receive any compensation through the Uber Class Action.
- Group 2: Individuals whose applications for leave have been considered by the Court and determined to be successful.
All unregistered group members will receive an email communication from Maurice Blackburn confirming the outcome of their leave application, as per above.
As each application was determined by the Court, Maurice Blackburn has no discretion or control over the outcome of these applications. Maurice Blackburn is unable to answer any questions or enquiries regarding the outcome of unregistered group member applications
Settlement Administration
If you are a registered group member within the Uber Class Action, Maurice Blackburn will contact you when we require further information in respect of your claim, which will be after the expiry of the Appeal Period.
There is nothing you need to do until we contact you.
At this stage, it is not possible to tell you if you will be eligible to receive compensation from the settlement. This will depend upon an assessment of your eligibility during the Administration (see below for further detail).
Further, it is not possible to tell you how much you may receive by participating in the settlement administration. This will depend on several factors, including how many registered group members are eligible and how many claims are assessed. We will not be able to provide you with an estimate of each registered group member’s entitlement until all assessments have been completed.
For more information about the Uber Class Action settlement administration and the Settlement Distribution Scheme, please see below.
Summary of the ‘Settlement Distribution Scheme’
The SDS is a legal document, which sets out the Administration process, including how the settlement sum is to be distributed and the steps that need to happen before any money can be paid to group members.
The SDS was approved by the Court as part of the Settlement Approval. A copy of the SDS is available here.
The SDS aims to deliver a simple, fair and cost-effective way to assess and distribute the settlement funds to eligible group members as quickly as possible.
The SDS has been designed to:
- Reduce the expert accounting and legal work involved in the assessment and distribution process, ensuring more funds are available to be distributed to participating group members.
- Avoid extended delays in distributing settlement funds to participating group members, which may occur if detailed accounting assessments were required.
How will settlement funds be divided between registered group members?
The class action was commenced on behalf of licence owners, operators, drivers and Network Service Providers (NSPs) in the taxi and hire car industries. It compensates group members for two types of economic loss:
- loss of income; and/or
- loss of capital value in taxi and hire car/limousine licences, caused by the alleged illegal introduction and operation of UberX.
The SDS reflects the different categories of group members within the taxi and hire car industries, and their different claims for economic loss.
Depending on each registered group member’s factual circumstances, the registered group member may have a single claim or a combination of claims. The table below sets out the available claims under the SDS.
I am a… | ||||
Licence Owner | Operator | Driver | NSP | |
Capital Value claim | Lease Income Loss claim | Operator Income Loss claim | Driver Income Loss claim | Network Service Provider Loss claim |
For the decline in the capital value of a taxi or hire car licence (per licence). | For the loss in lease income received for leasing a taxi or hire car licence to a third-party operator (per licence). | For the loss in income received for operating a taxi or hire car (per licence). | For the loss in income received for driving a taxi or hire car (per person). | For the loss of NSP-specific income (for instance, in radio network fees). |
Under the SDS, one registered group member may have more than one type of claim. Whether a registered group member has more than one type of claim will depend on their factual circumstances.
Some examples are as follows:
- A registered group member may have been a licence owner and operator and driver, during the relevant Claim Period.
- Alternatively, a registered group member may have multiple licence owner and/or licence operator claims, should they have owned and/or operated more than one eligible licence in the relevant Claim Period.
- Alternatively, a registered group member may have been a driver, but not a licence owner or operator. They can have a maximum of one claim as a driver, regardless of the number of vehicles they drove. This is because a person is only able to drive one vehicle at any one time.
Each registered group member will have their claim(s) assessed according to the terms of the SDS.
Under the SDS, the settlement sum will not be equally divided between registered group members. This is because the different claims of group members have different values and had different risks and complexities associated with them. Group members can request a copy of the Confidential Annexures once they complete and return this Confidentiality Undertaking.
Settlement Administration Timeline
It is too early to provide a timeline for the Administration due to the steps that are required to be taken in the Rosengrave proceeding. Once the Appeal Period has expired, Maurice Blackburn will be in a better position to provide a more detailed timeframe.
Due to the Appeal Period, at this stage, we do not expect to start distributing payments to eligible group members until late 2026. This is an estimate only and it may take more time.
We will continue to keep registered group members updated as we work through the Administration process, including as to when they can expect to receive a payment (if eligible). It is important to know that payments cannot be made until all participating group members claims are assessed and finalised.
Summary of the Settlement Distribution Scheme
Per the SDS, the Administration for the Uber Class Action will occur in the following five stages:
Stages of the Uber Class Action Administration | |
Stage 1 Claim Data Verification | |
As Settlement Administrator, Maurice Blackburn will notify all registered group members of their unique Claim Data Includes but is not limited to the identity of the registered group member, as well as details which concern their participation in the taxi/hire car industry, such as the claim type, taxi/hire car licence number, driver/operator accreditation number, period of ownership and/or operation. which is currently recorded in the Uber Class Action Claim Database. To facilitate this, each registered group member will be sent a Claim Data Notice Is the name of the notice sent to a Participating Group Member containing the Claim Data to be used to assess their claim(s). , which details the unique Claim Data reflected in their registration, and/or identifies any potential discrepancies in this data, according to historic industry State transport records. Registered group members will have 28 days from the date the Claim Data Notice is sent, to request that Maurice Blackburn amend or update their Claim Data. After 28 days and absent a request, the Claim Data will be deemed to be accurate under the SDS. | |
Under the SDS, Maurice Blackburn has the discretion to either accept a registered group member’s request to amend their Claim Data, ask for more information, or refuse a registered group member’s request to amend their Claim Data. Where a registered group member’s request is refused (either in whole or in part), they will be sent a Claim Data Determination If the Scheme Administrator refuses to amend or update the Claims Database (either in whole or in part), the Scheme Administrator will send to the registered group member a Claim Data Determination. The Claim Data Determination will contain the Claim Data for the registered group member as held and accepted by the Scheme Administrator, and information regarding their rights to seek a Claim Data Determination Review. , which restates their Claim Data. Under the SDS, registered group members can have this decision reviewed by an independent person, via submitting a Notice of Claim Data Determination Review Is the name of the form which a registered group member must submit, if they wish to seek a Claim Data Determination Review. Please note this form must be submitted within the relevant timeframe, and in the format/methodology prescribed by the Scheme Administrator. See the Settlement Distribution Scheme for more detail. within 7 days of receiving their Claim Data Determination and paying a bond. Absent this step, the data per the Claim Data Determination will be deemed accurate and accepted by the registered group member for the purpose of the SDS. | |
Stage 2 Determination of Eligibility | |
Using each registered group member’s Claim Data, Maurice Blackburn will assess whether the registered group member is eligible to participate under the SDS, via meeting the Eligibility Criteria under the SDS. Most registered group members will be assessed as eligible under the SDS (thereafter called ‘Participating Group Members’). Where a registered group member is assessed as either ineligible or if Maurice Blackburn is unable to assess their eligibility because the group member is unresponsive, the registered group member will be sent a Notice of Ineligibility Where the Scheme Administrator has assessed, or is unable to assess that a registered group member does not meet the Eligibility Criteria, the Scheme Administrator will send that registered group member a Notice of Ineligibility. The Notice of Ineligibility will provide a short statement of the basis on which the registered group member has been assessed not to meet the Eligibility Criteria and provide information in relation to their right to seek an Eligibility Review . Ineligible group members will have no further participation in the SDS. | |
Under the SDS, registered group members who are assessed as ineligible can have this decision reviewed by an independent person, via submitting a Notice of Eligibility Review Is the name of the form which a registered group member must submit, if they wish to seek an Eligibility Review. Please note this form must be submitted within the relevant timeframe, and in the format/methodology prescribed by the Scheme Administrator. See the Settlement Distribution Scheme for more detail. within 28 days of receiving their Notice of Ineligibility and paying a bond. Absent this step, the group member is deemed to accept their ineligible status. | |
Stage 3 Assessment of claim(s) | |
Using their unique Claim Data, Maurice Blackburn will assess the claims of all Participating Group Members pursuant to the Confidential Annexures contained in the SDS. Maurice Blackburn will notify the Participating Group Members of their Assessed Amount Is the value of a Participating Group Member’s claim calculated in accordance with the applicable Assessment Figures contained in the Confidential Annexures to the Settlement Distribution Scheme. , via sending them a Notice of Assessment Following the Assessment of a Participating Group Member's claim, the Scheme Administrator will send each Participating Group Member a Notice of Assessment. This may include: | |
Under the SDS, Participating Group Members can have their Assessed Amount reviewed by an independent person, via submitting a Notice of Assessment Review Is the name of the form which a Participating Group Member must submit, if they wish to seek an Assessment Review. Please note this form must be submitted within the relevant timeframe, and in the format/methodology prescribed by the Scheme Administrator. See the Settlement Distribution Scheme for more detail. within 28 days of being sent their Notice of Assessment and paying a bond. Absent this step, the Participating Group Member is deemed to accept their Assessed Amount. | |
Stage 4 Distribution of payments | |
Once all Participating Group Members’ Assessments (including any Reviews) are complete, Maurice Blackburn will commence distributing payments to Participating Group Members in tranches. Bank details will be collected from Participating Group Members at the time of receiving the Notice of Assessment | |
Stage 5 Finalisation of the Administration | |
Once all payments are distributed to Participating Group Members, Maurice Blackburn will finalise the Administration. |
Stages of the Uber Class Action Administration | ||
Number | Stage | Explanation |
1 | Claim Data Verification | As Settlement Administrator, Maurice Blackburn will notify all registered group members of their unique Claim Data Includes but is not limited to the identity of the registered group member, as well as details which concern their participation in the taxi/hire car industry, such as the claim type, taxi/hire car licence number, driver/operator accreditation number, period of ownership and/or operation. ; which is currently recorded in the Uber Class Action Claim Database. To facilitate this, each registered group member will be sent a Claim Data Notice Is the name of the notice sent to a Participating Group Member containing the Claim Data to be used to assess their claim(s). , which details the unique Claim Data reflected in their registration, and/or identifies any potential discrepancies in this data, according to historic industry State transport records. Registered group members will have 28 days from the date the Claim Data Notice is sent, to request that Maurice Blackburn amend or update their Claim Data. After 28 days and absent a request, the Claim Data will be deemed to be accurate under the SDS. |
Under the SDS, Maurice Blackburn has the discretion to either accept a registered group member’s request to amend their Claim Data, ask for more information, or refuse a registered group member’s request to amend their Claim Data. Where a registered group member’s request is refused (either in whole or in part), they will be sent a Claim Data Determination If the Scheme Administrator refuses to amend or update the Claims Database (either in whole or in part), the Scheme Administrator will send to the registered group member a Claim Data Determination. The Claim Data Determination will contain the Claim Data for the registered group member as held and accepted by the Scheme Administrator, and information regarding their rights to seek a Claim Data Determination Review. , which restates their Claim Data. Under the SDS, registered group members can have this decision reviewed by an independent person, via submitting a Notice of Claim Data Determination Review Is the name of the form which a registered group member must submit, if they wish to seek a Claim Data Determination Review. Please note this form must be submitted within the relevant timeframe, and in the format/methodology prescribed by the Scheme Administrator. See the Settlement Distribution Scheme for more detail. within 7 days of receiving their Claim Data Determination and paying a bond. Absent this step, the data per the Claim Data Determination will be deemed accurate and accepted by the registered group member for the purpose of the SDS. | ||
2 | Determination of Eligibility | Using each registered group member’s Claim Data, Maurice Blackburn will assess whether the registered group member is eligible to participate under the SDS, via meeting the Eligibility Criteria under the SDS. Most registered group members will be assessed as eligible under the SDS (thereafter called ‘Participating Group Members’). Where a registered group member is assessed as either ineligible or if Maurice Blackburn is unable to assess their eligibility because the group member is unresponsive, the registered group member will be sent a Notice of Ineligibility Where the Scheme Administrator has assessed, or is unable to assess that a registered group member does not meet the Eligibility Criteria, the Scheme Administrator will send that registered group member a Notice of Ineligibility. The Notice of Ineligibility will provide a short statement of the basis on which the registered group member has been assessed not to meet the Eligibility Criteria and provide information in relation to their right to seek an Eligibility Review Ineligible group members will have no further participation in the SDS. |
Under the SDS, registered group members who are assessed as ineligible can have this decision reviewed by an independent person, via submitting a Notice of Eligibility Review Is the name of the form which a registered group member must submit, if they wish to seek an Eligibility Review. Please note this form must be submitted within the relevant timeframe, and in the format/methodology prescribed by the Scheme Administrator. See the Settlement Distribution Scheme for more detail. within 28 days of receiving their Notice of Ineligibility and paying a bond. Absent this step, the group member is deemed to accept their ineligible status. | ||
3 | Assessment of claim(s) | Using their unique Claim Data, Maurice Blackburn will assess the claims of all Participating Group Members pursuant to the Confidential Annexures contained in the SDS. Maurice Blackburn will notify the Participating Group Members of their Assessed Amount Is the value of a Participating Group Member’s claim calculated in accordance with the applicable Assessment Figures contained in the Confidential Annexures to the Settlement Distribution Scheme. , via sending them a Notice of Assessment Following the Assessment of a Participating Group Member's claim, the Scheme Administrator will send each Participating Group Member a Notice of Assessment. This may include: |
Under the SDS, Participating Group Members can have their Assessed Amount reviewed by an independent person, via submitting a Notice of Assessment Review Is the name of the form which a Participating Group Member must submit, if they wish to seek an Assessment Review. Please note this form must be submitted within the relevant timeframe, and in the format/methodology prescribed by the Scheme Administrator. See the Settlement Distribution Scheme for more detail. within 28 days of being sent their Notice of Assessment and paying a bond. Absent this step, the Participating Group Member is deemed to accept their Assessed Amount | ||
4 | Distribution of payments | Once all Participating Group Members’ Assessments (including any Reviews) are complete, Maurice Blackburn will commence distributing payments to Participating Group Members in tranches. Bank details will be collected from Participating Group Members at the time of receiving the Notice of Assessment. |
5 | Finalisation of the Administration | Once all payments are distributed to Participating Group Members, Maurice Blackburn will finalise the Administration. |
Stage 1: Verifying your Claim Data
The first stage of the Administration is ‘Claim Data Verification’ (see above).
During this stage, Maurice Blackburn will undertake a detailed review and analysis of each registered group member’s Claim Data, including the data submitted by group member’s during their registration in the Uber class action (and any subsequent amendments they may have made).
This is a critical stage in the Administration process. As a registered group member’s unique Claim Data will be used to calculate their Claim Assessment (and ultimately inform their payment distribution), it’s important that we work together to ensure your Claim Data is accurate and complete.
To complete this process efficiently, Maurice Blackburn will use historic industry data obtained from State transport authorities and compare this to the Claim Data contained within each registered group member’s Uber Class Action registration.
Maurice Blackburn will identify any discrepancies in the registered group member’s Claim Data and bring these discrepancies to the registered group member’s attention, via sending the registered group member a Claim Data Notice.
If you are a registered group member, we will contact you directly when it is time to confirm your Claim Data. Until we contact you, there is nothing you need to do.
All registered group members will have the opportunity to review their Claim Data and update their contact details.
Registered group members will not be required to provide their bank details at this stage.
Common Questions about the Settlement Distribution Scheme
We currently estimate that registered group members will receive their Claim Data Notice no earlier than mid 2025. This will be triaged and will occur over several weeks, such that some registered group members will receive their Claim Data Notice earlier than others. The timing by which each registered group member receives their Claim Data Notice will not affect when they receive a distribution payment.
We will forewarn all registered group members closer to this date, via our group member update letters and the Uber Class Action webpage. Until we contact you there is nothing you need to do.
Due to the Appeal Period, at this stage, we do not expect to start distributing payments to eligible group members until late 2026. This is an estimate only and it may take more time. Once the Appeal Period has expired, Maurice Blackburn will be in a better position to provide a more detailed timeframe.
During the administration, the settlement sum will be placed into an interest-bearing bank account. Any interest accrued forms part of the settlement sum. In accordance with the Scheme, interest will firstly be used to pay administration costs, which will reduce the amount deducted from the settlement sum. Any remaining interest will be managed and distributed in accordance with the Scheme.
Registered group members claims will be assessed in accordance with the SDS. At this stage, it is not possible to tell you how much you may receive by participating in the settlement. This will depend on several factors, including how many registered group members are eligible and how many claims are assessed. We will not be able to provide you with an estimate of each registered group member’s entitlement until all assessments have been completed.
The figures by which registered group members’ claims will be assessed are contained in Confidential Annexures to the SDS, which are available to group members upon request. Group members can request a copy of the Confidential Annexures once they complete and return this Confidentiality Undertaking.
The Settlement Scheme will not be able to start until the appeal periods on the Andrianakis and Rosengrave proceedings have expired. We hope that this will be around April/May 2025.
Until then, we will use the next few months to prepare for the Settlement Administration – including cleansing and migrating group member claim data onto a specialist digital platform tailored for claim assessment and settlement distribution.
After the expiry of the relevant appeal periods, the Settlement Administration team will work with group members to confirm their claim data. Once this process has concluded, we will be able to assess claims, provide an estimate of the likely payment each group member will receive, and collect bank details so that we can make payments. However, we can’t start making payments until all claims have been assessed, and this includes the resolving any reviews that might arise.
The Settlement Administration team will do its best to ensure that the administration will run as quickly and efficiently as possible, and we will keep all group members informed as this progresses.
Maurice Blackburn has been appointed as Settlement Administrator, responsible for administering and distributing the settlement sum. Under the SDS a registered group member will be able to seek a review of the following decisions:
- Determinations about a registered group member’s Claim Data: such as what type of claim they have, how many licences they held or how long they worked in the industry.
- Determinations about whether a registered group member is eligible to receive a payment under the SDS.
- The Settlement Administrator’s assessment or a registered group member’s loss.
In each instance, the review will be performed by an independent lawyer (and not Maurice Blackburn).
All registered group members have a right of review (where applicable), provided they request a review within the required timeframe and pay an upfront bond. Maurice Blackburn will inform registered group members of the relevant time frames by which they must request a review, at each stage of the Administration.
Reviews will be limited to determining whether the Settlement Administrator has correctly applied the SDS to the registered group member’s claim. Registered group members are not able to object to the assessment process as set out in the SDS, or the figures by which claims are assessed as these were approved by the Court in the Settlement Approval orders.
Group Member Obligations
All registered group members who participate in the Uber Class Action settlement have the following obligations, throughout the Administration:
- Answer all questions truthfully, and to the best of their knowledge, accurately;
- Ensure that the registered group member’s contact information is up to date, including in instances where these details change throughout the course of the Administration; and
- Respond to all communications from the Settlement Administrator – including questionnaires, emails and text prompts – within the timeframes and/or deadlines provided in the communication.
To update your contact details, please email Maurice Blackburn at – please make sure you include “Updated Contact Details” in the subject heading.
The Uber Class Action seeks to compensate industry participants for their loss of income and any loss capital value of taxi and/or hire car licenses, caused by the alleged illegal operation of UberX in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia.
You are a group member in this class action if you were a taxi or hire car licence owner / driver / operator or Network Service Provider, operating in:
- Victoria between 1 April 2014 – 23 August 2017
- New South Wales between 7 April 2014 – 18 December 2015
- Queensland between 17 April 2014 – 5 September 2016
- Western Australia between 10 October 2014 – 4 July 2016
As noted above, only registered group members are able to participate in the settlement.
For further detail and specifications about the group member definition, please see the Notice of Proposed Settlement or the Fourth Further Amended Statement of Claim dated 19 June 2023, available under section titled ‘Key Documents'.
The SDS was approved by the Supreme Court of Victoria as part of the Settlement Approval.
The SDS is a legal document, which sets out the Administration process, including how the settlement sum is to be distributed and the steps that need to happen before any money can be paid to Participating Group Members.
Broadly, the Administration will involve (Phase 1) verifying group member claim data to determine eligibility, (Phase 2) assessing group member claims, and thereafter (Phase 3) distributing payments to eligible group members.
A copy of the Settlement Distribution Scheme is available here.
Group Members who wish to view the ‘Confidential Annexures’ to the Settlement Distribution Scheme must complete a Group Membership and Confidentiality Undertaking available here, and return this to
At the settlement approval hearing, the Court ordered that the reasonable legal costs of conducting the class action and the Administration be deducted from the settlement sum, before calculating each Participating Group Member’s entitlement.
This means that, if you are eligible to participate as a group member in the distribution of the settlement sum, your share of the settlement will be calculated and paid to you after deduction of any legal costs.
At the Settlement Approval Hearing, Maurice Blackburn asked the Court to approve its legal costs which include fees for the work done by solicitors and disbursements (including fees for barristers, experts and court fees). The Court can only approve an amount of legal costs which it considered to be fair and reasonable, and in making that decision it took into account the opinion of an independent expert costs assessor.
The Court approved the costs and disbursments sought by the Plaintiff (approx. $38.7 million), as part of the Settlement Approval.
These costs were incurred over more than six years and include the costs of investigating and preparing the matter for trial, and numerous pre-trial hearings and appeals.
Key Documents
Key documents are available below:
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