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Book a consultation with an employment lawyer

Our leading employment law team are here to help you find the best outcome for your situation.

In your fixed price consultation, we’ll provide expert legal advice, in plain language, on where you stand with your employer. We will empower you with the knowledge and resources you need in order to move forward.

We offer two types of employment law consultations 

  • General Consultation | One-hour | $690 fixed price
  • Contract Review | One-hour PLUS document reading | $1,500 fixed price

Employment law matters can be complex, and the legal advice provided will vary on a case-by-case basis. Booking a fixed price consultation will ensure you have the full picture of your unique employment matter.

We offer two types of employment law consultations

Book a consult now

Complete the form below to request a fixed-fee consultation with an employment lawyer. We'll call you back within one business day to confirm the details of your appointment. 

* Mandatory field

Learn more about how we can help you with:

Any employment issue

One-hour consultations

In-person, phone and virtual options available

$690 fixed price for your first consult*

Excluding contract review consultations which are $1,500 inclusive of GST.

Our team has an outstanding record of achieving terrific outcomes for employees in both the private and public sector. 

Our employment law division is nationally recognised as Australia’s leading employment law practice for employees. Use the form above, or call us directly, to speak with an expert employment lawyer.

Office locations

We’re here to help. Get in touch with your local office.

Select your state below

Our Canberra office is now closed, but our team continues to serve ACT clients and are available for phone and video appointments. If you need legal advice, please call us on 1800 675 346.

We have lawyers who specialise in a range of legal claims who travel to Tasmania. If you need a lawyer in Hobart, Launceston or elsewhere in Tasmania, please call us on 1800 675 346.