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A fresh investigation by Queensland Health has unveiled a troubling report on the substandard care provided at Redland Hospital’s endoscopy and colonoscopy services.

This report identified significant lapses in medical care that have affected many patients for more than a decade. The findings serve as a stark reminder that patient care and safety should always come first.

The investigation findings

Initiated in May 2020, the investigation reviewed the treatment of more than 3,000 patients and scrutinised the bowel-related procedures performed by two doctors at Redland Hospital between 2008 and 2018.

The report found that 73 patients received care that was considered below clinically acceptable standards.

Many of these patients experienced severe complications because of the lapses in care. The report revealed that 12 of the patients who received suboptimal care may have had their lives prematurely cut short.

The report identified no single incident but determined that a series of widespread failures had contributed to substandard care across the board, with patients repeatedly being let down by the hospital.

The life-changing impact of a missed bowel cancer screening

The consequences of medical negligence, including delays in diagnosis, are usually profound and devastating.

Sadly, these reports are not isolated. We have represented clients with medical negligence claims after delays in the diagnosis of a variety of cancers, including bowel cancer.

Our client Brent, who previously was a fit and healthy CrossFit trainer, reminds us of the life-changing impact of medical negligence and the way it can destroy a family.

“Brent’s missed bowel cancer screening led to a delayed diagnosis, resulting in extensive surgery and permanent changes to his lifestyle. His experience highlights the critical importance of timely and accurate medical care and the devastating consequences when lacking”, says Louis Baigent.

Read Brett’s story here.

A path forward

While the health service has made significant progress in implementing these recommendations and improving patient care at Redland Hospital, the investigation and report serve as a reminder of the importance of accountability and transparency in healthcare.

If the failures at Redland Hospital have impacted you or a loved one, you may wish to seek legal advice

Girl passing by the main entrance and emergency sign


1. Seek independent legal advice

You are entitled to seek independent legal advice about your rights in relation to any adverse outcome or injury that occurred.

If your injuries have resulted in total and permanent disability, in addition to a complaint or a claim for compensation, you may also have insurance benefits that can be accessed under your superannuation policy.

2. Make a complaint to the Office of the Health Ombudsman

You are entitled to make a complaint to the Office of the Health Ombudsman in relation to the care and treatment you or a loved one received.

3. Understand your rights and time limits 

In Queensland, there are strict time limitation periods that apply. It’s best to speak to a lawyer about your rights and the time requirements.

We can help with medical negligence claims

Our team of expert medical negligence lawyers are here to help you understand your legal options and to achieve the best possible outcome for you. 

Kirsten Van Der Wal

Meet Kirsten

Kirsten Van Der Wal

Senior Associate, Queensland Medical Negligence State Leader

"As a medical negligence lawyer I know I’m helping people who have been injured, through no fault of their own. My clients' stories are so inspiring and are the reason why I continue to practice the law. I come to work every single day knowing I will help someone and change their lives at a time where they have been let down. I work hard to ensure my clients receive fair compensation to assist with their recovery and future needs."

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