An important notice has been sent to potential group members of the Hino class action, read more here.
When we leave our children in childcare, we trust that they’ll be kept safe and sound. In Australia, legal issues in childcare centres are regulated by state laws. More often than not, they are effective in protecting our kids. But sometimes an incident or accident at childcare or day care can give parents cause for concern. When this happens, who is responsible if a child gets hurt? Trang Van Heugten, an experienced public liability special counsel, explains what duty of care in childcare means, parents' rights in childcare and what to do if your child is injured or hurt at childcare.
Parents are responsible for accurately recording their child’s:
Carers are not permitted to administer medication to children unless they are specifically authorised to do so in accordance with enrolment records.
Parents have a right to feel safe and secure that the childcare centre will not place their child in the hands of strangers or unauthorised persons.
Childcare centres are responsible for dealing with and managing minor injuries and accidents, including administering appropriate first aid, changing nappies, and wiping and washing after bathroom accidents.
Rules regarding adequate supervision, trained staff and first aid procedures are in force at all times during a child’s attendance at childcare – even when the parent is late picking up the child.
It is the duty of childcare centres to meet their state or territory’s minimum standards relating to:
If a childcare centre falls short of their duty of care, they may be in breach of the law. They could be fined, have their licence restricted, revised, revoked or cancelled, and be prosecuted.
Parents may sue the childcare centre if their child is severely injured while under care and such injuries could have been prevented. For example, when unsafe play equipment causes a fractured elbow, unsupervised play leads to a partly amputated finger or unauthorised food results in anaphylaxis.
The childcare centre must notify the parent or guardian as soon as possible if a child becomes ill, has an accident or is injured or is traumatised as a consequence of a serious incident.
Serious incidents at childcare include:
While it can be hard to see your child hurt, before taking legal action, you should consider whether your child’s injury is serious enough to warrant this. For example, in Victoria, a person must have suffered a significant and serious physical or psychological injury to be able to obtain damages compensation for childcare negligence.
If the accident at childcare involves a minor bump, a bruise or a small cut, and your child makes a good recovery from the injury, there’s no point in taking legal action against the childcare centre. You may insist that the childcare establishes better procedures to ensure similar incidents do not reoccur. However, if you have lost faith or trust in the childcare, then you may want to consider changing childcare facilities.
It’s not always easy or practical to find alternative childcare arrangements. A good way to better ensure the safety and wellbeing of your child is to build strong relationships with their carers. You can:
When my son Marcus came home from childcare with big bite marks across his cheeks, I asked the carer to help him devise a way to prevent it. Within a few days, the carer showed Marcus how to raise his arm to the other boy who had previously bitten him, and say to him, “Stop it, I don’t like it.” The biting quickly stopped and Marcus became more confident in playing and interacting with other children.
Remember, not all daycare accidents can be prevented by supervision. Toddlers who have only started to walk are more likely to trip and fall in the playground. Children are often curious and want the freedom to discover and explore. Childcare centres are expected to meet reasonable safety and supervision standards while providing an environment that allows children to develop and strengthen connections in their growing brains. It’s important to remember that it’s a matter of common sense, and that courts realise that not all accidents are preventable.
If you’re concerned about an incident that occurred at your childcare centre, but are unable to attend the facility immediately, consider asking the carer to send you some photos via email or phone to determine if something like a ‘waxy’ ear needs further and immediate attention.
Regular, open, honest and considered communication helps parents and carers raise and resolve issues before they escalate to a complaint.
And if the carer is doing a sterling job, be sure to let them know!
When the health, safety or wellbeing of your child has been compromised, you may wish to raise a serious concern with the childcare centre. If it’s not addressed in a timely manner, you can raise a complaint directly with your state’s Department of Education and Training.
The Department will gather and assess information relating to the complaint – then decide what action to take. This may include increased monitoring, licence restrictions or even prosecution.
If your child sustains serious injuries while in childcare, you should:
If your child’s childcare injuries are serious and permanent, and it can be proven that the centre failed in its duty of care, you may have a case. But prevention is better than cure. By building relationships with your child’s carers, you’ll help keep your child safe, healthy and happy.
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If you've been hurt in a public place, including a sports field, rental property, path or in a store, our experienced team of public liability lawyers can help.
We are here to help. Give us a call, request a call back or use our free claim check tool to get in touch with our friendly legal team. With local knowledge and a national network of experts, we have the experience you can count on.
We have lawyers who specialise in a range of legal claims who travel to Australian Capital Territory. If you need a lawyer in Canberra or elsewhere in Australian Capital Territory, please call us on 1800 675 346.
We have lawyers who specialise in a range of legal claims who travel to Tasmania. If you need a lawyer in Hobart, Launceston or elsewhere in Tasmania, please call us on 1800 675 346.