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Uber Class Action Update

In 2019, Maurice Blackburn commenced a class action in the Supreme Court of Victoria against Uber on behalf of participants in the taxi and hire car industry.

The class action sought to compensate industry participants for their loss of income and any loss capital value of taxi and/or hire car licences, caused by the alleged illegal operation of UberX in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia.

On 17 March 2024, the parties to the class action reached a settlement agreement for a total of $271.8 million, subject to the approval of the Court. As a result, the trial which was scheduled to commence on 18 March 2024 was vacated.

The proposed settlement is subject to approval by the Supreme Court of Victoria. The Court will consider whether the proposed settlement is fair and reasonable for group members in all circumstances, in deciding whether to approve the settlement. 

Key Settlement Documents

Further detail about the proposed settlement is contained in the Notice of Proposed Settlement approved by the Court: 

The Notice of Proposed Settlement is an important legal document. Group Members in the Uber class action should read this document as it contains important information about their legal rights.

An Abridged Notice of Proposed Settlement was also approved by the Court:

Translated copies of the Abridged Notice of Proposed Settlement in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Greek, Italian and Hindi are available below:

A Notice of Proposed Settlement specific to the Rosengrave proceeding filed in the Supreme Court of Western Australia is available here:

Pursuant to orders of the Court dated 19 April 2024, the proposed Settlement Distribution Scheme is available below. An Explanatory Note to the Settlement Distribution Scheme is also available:

Group members who wish to view the Confidential Annexures to the Settlement Distribution Scheme must complete and return a Group Membership and Confidentiality Undertaking available here.

The orders of the Court dated 19 April 2024 are available here:

Contact the team

Call1800 291 047


We will respond to your calls and emails as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Settlement Approval Timeline

As ordered by the Supreme Court of Victoria in orders dated 19 April 2024, important dates for settlement approval include the following: 


7 May 2024

Notice(s) of Proposed Settlement are distributed to group members of the Uber class action 

4 June 2024

The proposed Settlement Distribution Scheme (SDS) is published on the Maurice Blackburn website

For more information about the SDS is contained below.

4:00pm on 2 July 2024

The deadline for:

  • Group members to submit any Notice of Objection to the proposed settlement; and/or
  • Unregistered group members to submit any evidence and submissions in support of their application to the Court to be included in the settlement

24 July 2024

Directions Hearing

9 – 10 September 2024

Settlement Approval Hearing

At this hearing the Court will hear evidence and submissions about whether to approve the proposed settlement. 

Maurice Blackburn will provide further details about the hearing closer to the date. 

All dates and timetabling steps ordered by the Court may be found in the orders dated 19 April 2024, the orders dated 11 July 2024 and the orders dated 24 July 2024.

Unregistered Group Members

Only group members who registered to participate in the class action before 4:00pm on 2 October 2023 are eligible to participate in the proposed settlement.

Pursuant to paragraph 21 of the orders of the Court dated 19 April 2024, the deadline for Unregistered Group Members to submit their application seeking leave to participate in the proposed settlement has now expired.

All applications provided to Maurice Blackburn before 4:00 pm (AEST) on 2 July 2024 will be provided to the Supreme Court of Victoria, for consideration. Pursuant to paragraph 2 of the orders of the Court dated 24 July 2024, any late applications provided to Maurice Blackburn after 4:00 pm (AEST) on 2 July 2024, will not be considered by the Court. 

Objections to the Proposed Settlement

Pursuant to paragraph 17 of the orders of the Court dated 19 April 2024, the deadline for group members to submit an objection to the proposed settlement has now expired.

All objections provided to Maurice Blackburn before 4:00 pm (AEST) on 2 July 2024 will be provided to the Supreme Court of Victoria. Pursuant to paragraph 2 of the orders of the Court dated 24 July 2024, any late objections provided to Maurice Blackburn and/or the Supreme Court of Victoria after 4:00 pm (AEST) on 2 July 2024, will not be considered by the Court.

Other Documents

Other documents, including the current pleadings are available below:

If you have any questions or enquiries about the Uber class action please contact us via or 1800 291 047

Frequently Asked Questions

You are a group member in this class action if you were a taxi or hire car licence owner / driver / operator or Network Service Provider, operating in:

  • Victoria between 1 April 2014 – 23 August 2017
  • New South Wales between 7 April 2014 – 18 December 2015
  • Queensland between 17 April 2014 – 5 September 2016
  • Western Australia between 10 October 2014 – 4 July 2016

For further detail and specifications about the group member definition, please see the Notice of Proposed Settlement or the Fourth Further Amended Statement of Claim dated 19 June 2023, available under section titled ‘Other Documents’.

Please note you are no longer a group member if you successfully “opted out” of the proceedings by completing and returning an opt out form to the Supreme Court of Victoria.

It is no longer possible to register to participate in the Uber class action. If you are an unregistered group member and you would like to participate in the settlement, you must ask the permission of the Court. 

Please see section titled ‘Unregistered Group Members’ for further instructions. 

At this stage, we are unable to provide an estimate as to how much compensation group members will each receive, or how this amount will be calculated. 

The settlement that has been agreed between the parties must be approved by the Supreme Court of Victoria. As part of that process, the Court will also be asked to approve a Settlement Distribution Scheme, which will detail how claims should be assessed.

The Settlement Distribution Scheme will be published on Maurice Blackburn’s website on 4 June 2024. 

At this stage we are unable to provide an estimate as to when eligible registered group members will receive a distribution (if any) from the proposed settlement. 

Settlement approval and settlement distribution is a long and complex process.

The settlement approval hearing will occur on 9 – 10 September 2024.  We will keep all group members informed as this progresses. 

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